• 9 Nov – GAGS, STICKS & STONES Workshop Vicious Semenawa […]

  • CORNEUM ROPE JAM – 8 december – Brussels Voir le […]

  • ADVENA – SHIBARI ROPE JAM for BEGINNERS – 22 September […]


    (En français en bas de page)

    Starten met Shibari is niet zo eenvoudig. En als beginner gaan oefenen of spelen op een grote jam is voor sommigen niet zo aangenaam. Corneum organiseert daarom regelmatig beginners jams. Een beperkte groep en een heel aangename rustige sfeer. Enkel shibari is toegestaan. Semi suspenties zijn enkel toegestaan onder voorbehoud van een veilige suspentie lijn.

    Obtenez plus de plaisir avec le shibari et rejoignez notre jam pour débutants ADVENDA.

    Commencer à pratiquer le Shibari n'est pas si facile. Et aller s'entraîner ou jouer à une grande jam en tant que débutant n'est pas si agréable pour certains. C'est pourquoi Corneum organise régulièrement des jams pour débutants. Un groupe limité et une atmosphère calme et agréable. Seuls le shibari est autorisé. Les semi suspensions ne sont autorisées que sous réserve d'une ligne de suspension sûre.

  • !! Change of date given instructors are unable to attend on the date indicated !!


    Strappado immersion & semi-suspension workshop weekend This workshop will take place at CORNEUM in Lennik (near Brussels) The language is English The level is intermediate+/advanced for rope tops and models.

    We ask you to demonstrate your level through photos and accomplished workshops. The instructors have the right to refuse riggers and models if the level is not sufficient. (technique and safety) Teachers Asiana & Door Asiana For Asiana it's both about the skill of tying them and the aesthetic of the shape of the strappado that appeal so much to her.

    Door She just love strappado's. Door just loves how they make her feel! With this workshop we want to share this love with you.

  • DOCVALE & BANANA – TK 3rd and 4th rope - NAKA STYLE - 3 March 2023

    Evening Shibari WORKSHOP

    TK 3rd and 4th rope - NAKA STYLE

    Understanding all the subtleties and nuances of TK is a goal that will accompany you throughout your rope journey. In Naka style we like to add to our TK 3rd or even 4th ropes. They can have several interests:

    - Technical : to make the TK stronger and suitable for certain type of bondages or transitions. - Communication : Extra ropes are often appropriate to communicate and add constraint. - Aesthetic : They change what the TK looks like and charge the bondage.

    - During this course we will deepen our knowledge of the requirements of this harness and also of the 3rd and 4th ropes. - We will learn several ways to build 3rd and 4th ropes and try to improvise following given instructions.

  • PREDICAMENT WORKSHOP II the sequel - April 29 2023

    (En français en bas de page)

    • The sequel to Predicament I
    • Learn how to build good predicament sessions.
    • The play and the mindfucks are as important as the figures
    • Techniques, new and cool figures, sadistic & mindfucks.
    • Floorwork + semi suspension

    ATELIER PREDICAMENT II la suite - 29 avril 2023

    • La suite du Prédicament I
    • Apprenez à réaliser de bonnes sessions de prédicament.
    • Le jeu et les mindfucks sont aussi importants que les figures.
    • Techniques, figures nouvelles et sympas, sadiques et mindfucks.
    • Travail au sol + semi-suspension
  • SADIST workshop - RopuNawa & Freya 13 Dec 2022 (19-23h)

    Unique workshop with Ropunawa


    • From 19 to 23 h at Corneum in Lennik

    Required :

    • The rigger: must be able to make a Tk well and a safe upline.
    • The model: must have experience in suspensions.
    • Level: intermediate
    • 8 ropes
    • Both model and rigger must be comfortable in sadistic shibari, exhibited and touched

    A minimum of 6 couples must register for the workshop to take place. Registration is non-refundable unless it is cancelled or we find another couple to replace you. (5% transfer expenses are non-refundable)

  • EROTIC workshop - RopuNawa & Freya 12 Dec 2022 (19-23h)

    Unique workshop with Ropunawa

    90,00 € per Couple


    • From 19 to 23 h at Corneum in Lennik

    Required :

    • The rigger: must be able to make a Tk well and a safe upline.
    • The model: must have experience in suspensions.
    • Level: intermediate
    • 8 ropes
    • Both model and rigger must be comfortable in erotic shibari, exhibited and touched


    A minimum of 6 couples must register for the workshop to take place. Registration is non-refundable unless it is cancelled or we find another couple to replace you. (5% transfer expenses are non-refundable)


    2-DAY Shibari WORKSHOP 

    "Naka style: Heritage" is the 1st part in a series of workshops dedicated to Naka ryu.

    Akira Naka (born in 1969) , is today one of the most famous kinbakushi in the world. "He became aware of the world of Japanese bondage at the age of 30, when he discovered a study course (commonly called 'Kinbiken') of the great master Chimuo Nureki. From the first moment he observed the bondage master at work, he found himself drawn deeper and deeper into the fascinating sensuality until he had an epiphany - "This is what I want to dedicate my life to." (Naka Akira's official website)

    His style became known in the West in 2013. Naka Akira then began traveling to perform and teach around the globe. Naka Ryu has become one of the most popular styles in the world. Many riggers are inspired by his work.

    Topics :

    The first opus of this workshop will focus on understanding the roots of Naka Akira's style. What were his own influences? What are the technical and aesthetic particularities of his style? During these two days, we will try to stick as close as possible to what Naka Akira does in order to understand the issues.

    I would like to give you the best of what I have learned from watching him tie, discussing with him and let you glimpse the personality of this man and his ropes. We will talk about his freestyle way of looking at kinbaku and his philosophy and will study iconic ties and shapes.

    Pre-requisites :

    Riggers must know how to tie a propre TK (any style) and be comfortable tying in suspension. Models must be used for suspension.

    Material :

    A minimum of 12 jute ropes, ideally 6mm in diameter and +/- 7-8 meters in length will be required.


    Tickets are non-refundable. However, we might be able to find someone else who is interested in your ticket.

  • Introduction to BDSM - 3 Nov - with LaMonstera

    Introduction to BDSM

    Are you curious about BDSM, but don't know where to start?

    • This workshop is for beginners in BDSM and for BDSM practitioners who want to explore new ways of taming each other through play, creativity, safety and communication.
    • As the name says, it is an introduction, a beginning (or a new beginning), in which we give you an interesting vision on BDSM.
    • We give the first keys to discover yourself and to lay the foundation for a new BDSM relationship.
    • In this workshop you will discover yourself and we will give you a starting point to create your own BDSM style.


    • We approach BDSM through the principle of consent, ongoing communication and the type of play.
    • We emphasize the importance of respecting the other person's and our own boundaries with basic rules, the list of possibilities (different D/s relationships, D/s scenes) and the power of aftercare.
    • After discussing the safety rules, we do a small spanking workshop together to put everything into practice.
    • Discover in duo the unique sensations this game can bring by applying the things discussed.
    • Dress code: comfortable clothing, bring a scarf or blindfold, we provide some demo material.
    • At the end of the workshop La Monstera and her partner will give a demonstration of a BDSM game in a domestic setting.
    • LaMonstera is a professional dominatrix working in Antwerp. She has years of experience in BDSM.


    • Thursday 3 November
    • From 20:00 to 23:00
    • Location; @Corneum, Lennik, near Brussels - https://corneum.be/
    • Free parking in front
    • Price 140 € per couple - Presales 120 €
    • Limited number of places
    • The workshop will be given by @La Monstera
    • Open to all levels.
    • Bring 1 blindfold with you
    • Dresscode; relax clothing
    • We also provide some demo material
    • You can see and feel our unique collection of bdsm furniture, bondage gear, and impact play equipment

    You can always book our venue to spice up your bdsm game in a unique setting.

  • Hashira workshop - RopuNawa 9/10/11 as a single visitor

    3-DAY's as a single visitor, no participation